Saturday, October 07, 2006
Home Business Myths Exposed
With the development of new technology and communications equipment, home businesses are now a growing segment of the economy.
Starting a home business can give you a sense of independence, allow you to make business decisions, eliminate long commutes, and allow you to spend more time with your family and friends.
With the increased popularity of home businesses, there is a wide variety of information available on the Internet and in books, newspapers, and magazines. Separating fact from fiction can help you to understand the truth about starting a home business and make a decision about how to proceed.
One of the biggest myths about starting a business from home is that it will be easier to work for yourself rather than someone else. While you may be able to make your own decisions and accept the type of work you enjoy, starting a home business will probably be more difficult than working at a job.
When you are employed by someone else, you have responsibilities, but the ultimate responsibility for the profits and running of the business belongs to the owners and executives of the company.
When you start your own business, everything that needs to be done will be your responsibility, from complying with the law to providing service to clients. This is what makes starting a business more difficult than you might think.
Many information sources state that it is not necessary to form a business entity when you work from home. You can operate as a sole proprietor in some cases, but forming a legal business entity can be necessary in other circumstances.
Forming an entity allows you to separate your personal assets from your business assets and can also help you limit personal liability. If you don’t form a business entity, what will happen if you make a mistake on a project and your client sues you? If you’re a sole proprietor, your personal assets will be at stake and, if the claim is large enough, you may be risking your home. If you form a business entity, only the assets of the business will be at stake.
Another myth about home businesses is that you don’t need well-developed human relations skills since you’ll be working alone. Not only is this not true, but you may need good communication and interpersonal relations skills more than ever as a home business owner.
Your business success will depend on your ability to market your services and provide a high level of customer satisfaction. These tasks require you to develop networking skills, have the ability to communicate effectively in writing and in person, and have the skills needed to resolve conflict and resolve problems. Having good interpersonal skills will help you to become recognized as a trustworthy and professional business owner.
Starting a home business is hard enough without having to sift through fact and fiction when you’re starting out. Keep these myths and mind as you do your research and get your business off the ground. Hard work and commitment can put you in a position to achieve success and run a profitable business enterprise.
Don’t be fooled into complacency when you start your home business. You MUST put in the hard work and effort and your business will flourish!
Unusual Business Opportunities - Earn Money By Giving Away Education
There are thousands of different business opportunities out there. Some are good and some aren't. I would have to say one of my favorite and most successful business opportunities is also one of my most unusual business opportunities. I found this opportunity about 3 months ago and within this short time I have grown the business to make it pay a monthly income of $1,000. How did I achieve this income? Simply by giving away free education through Success University.
When I began my first online business around 2 years ago, I wanted to sell things to make an income, so I was driven towards selling products and e-books. The problem was that original good quality products are hard to create. To make things worse, I wasn't much good at copy writing and the sales letters that I was producing weren't doing my products justice.
Along with this was the fact that I had no knowledge on how to market a product and had not set up vital parts of my business to ensure that I would have a running chance at making an income. Without tools such as auto-responders, website tracking, e-mails and product fulfillment, sales were scarce.
Things didn't look good for me. I was really hitting rock bottom until I come across some proven, unusual business opportunities. By finding unusual online businesses such as Success University, I had the opportunity to give away free products and still make a great income.
That was when I found the real formula to make money online. With any unusual business opportunity, the rule of thumb is, if you are sincere about wanting to help someone, it is inevitable that you will see the money start to come in.
This unusual business opportunity was a very good lesson for me to learn. How else can you earn a good online income as well as give away quality products to your customers for free?
Keep in mind that if you are new to online business, especially if you are still not seeing any results, the easiest way to begin your venture is to join a proven program and give their product away for free. If you aren't having luck in giving away free products than you really shouldn't bother selling to people.
Doing it all on your own is one of the toughest ways to make a start. Finding a product, setting up a website and making sales are things that can't be learned over night. It takes time and experience. Going it alone, you are more likely to fail or your business will sit stagnant until you learn the basics.
By using a proven, unusual business opportunity and giving away free products, you can build your confidence, kick start your online training and prepare yourself for your own big online business launch later on down the road.
What are The 5 Magic Keys to Skyrocket A Home-Based Business?
You are interested in working from home by running your own home-based business. However, you are not sure what business opportunity to become involved with. The good news is that now you can relax! You are about to discover the 5 magic keys that you need to find a proven home-based business opportunity that can make you wealthy! Let's discover what these 5 magic keys are.
Why do we need these 5 keys? It's simple! Because using them together, they can make you rich! Remember that nobody gets rich out of nowhere or by accident. There always is a reason why average folks get wealthy, and it's not by chance. Believe it or not, most of these folks don't even know how they got rich! The reason is that many have stumbled onto an opportunity that is smoking hot and has at least four of these magic keys. Use them and you will have a smoking home business!
Magic Key #1: There has to be an established and growing market for the home-based business you are looking at. This is the most important step. Pick your work at home opportunity right, and you will have the power to make all of the money you will ever want. Choose the wrong market, and you will end up frustrated and have lots of hassles and headaches.
Most folks focus only on the product or service they want to sell without checking first to see if there is even a market for it. The ingredients for the perfect home based business are:
1. It must be established.
2. There has to be lots of average folks who are already getting rich.
3. The market must be easy to reach, huge, but still growing!
4. It must have average folks who are getting rich with the opportunity.
5. You have to discover what they are doing to earn their wealth and check what they are doing right or wrong.
6. You have to duplicate their actions by doing what you see them doing right and correcting mistakes they make.
Magic Key #2: You have to offer something new or different that will cause your home-based business product or service to stand out from all of the other competitors in the booming market you choose. How can this be done? Simply by finding new and exciting items or services that fill some sort of serious problem in the market place. Do this, and you will be years ahead of your competitors.
Magic Key #3: You have to have a strong answer for all the skeptical people out there in the market you are targeting. Let's face it; we all are bombarded by tons of advertisements for business opportunities. The newer something is, the more skeptical people will be. People who are scared will not buy! So, it's important to ask yourself, what can I say or do that will erase people's fears and make them want to give their money to me? Since skepticism is a growing problem everyone in business will face, one MUST answer this question! There has to be a solid answer.
Magic Key #4: Residual income HAS to be built into your entire home-based business plan. Residual income is money that you make automatically on an on-going basis. Set up things right once, and you money can be made easily for months or even years! Think if this as your greatest insurance policy; one where you will always have plenty of money no matter what happens to your business. This gives you tremendous freedom.
Magic Key #5: Your home-based business must ALWAYS have at least one high cost item in its mix of products and services. What happens is that the sale of this high cost item will help you cover your expenses plus give you a very nice paycheck! The sad fact is that many businesses are not set up to have this important key since they sell low-ticket items for very slim profits. Worse, their chosen markets are small or highly competitive! So, it's important to avoid this trap.
The fact is, if you do things right to begin with by choosing a fast-growing market that produces huge and insatiable demands, it will be really easy to find or develop the right high ticket products and services that will make you plenty of money.
So, there you have it! You now know about the five magic keys that all billion-dollar ideas have in common! Use these keys right, and you can become quite wealthy.
Friday, October 06, 2006
How to Start a Business from Home: Writing for Traffic
Each week my articles are read by TENS of THOUSANDS of people. I would like to tell you that it is because I am such a wonderful writer. I would like to tell you that it is because my reputation as an Internet Guru compels people to listen to everything I say (kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials here in the US). I would like to say that it is because the things that I say are so profound that no one else provides the information that I do.
The reality is much less ego-boosting.
The reason that so many people read the things that I am writing is this: I make sure that I get the articles that I write in front of as many people as possible. I'm not neccessarily more talented, more pithy, more knowledgeable than anyone else, I just might be a little more persistent.
Each week more than 20,000 people visit my main site. While it is tough to know exactly how many of those people come from an article they caught on a web site or in an eZine, the number is around 15% or 3000+ people per week.
That's more visits than most websites get in 3 months--in fact, it is more visits than most sites get in a year. If you want to see your traffic steadily increase over time, begin writing.
There are several reasons why writing produces quality traffic to ANY site.
First, when you write, you become the expert. Assuming that you can do a decent job of presenting yourself and your material, most people will never ask for your specific credentials.
When people see you as the expert, they will take your advice.
Remember this: people buy from people they know and trust. Whenever someone reads one of your articles--even if it is posted on your own website or in your own eZine, you become more trustworthy and they become more likely to visit your site and buy.
A second reason why writing produces quality traffic is that writing "brands" your name.
In an upcoming issue I will be looking at the idea of "Branding". But here is a brief definition: Branding is raising the recognition factor of a name or product.
Years ago I worked for a large insurance company, out of an office in Memphis, TN. Most of my clients were fairly well- to-do and were familiar with the company--one of the largest and most well respected insurers in the world.
I was eventually moved from the "big city" into a rural area of Mississippi.
That's when I ran into trouble.
The large, well-respected insurance company I worked for did all of its advertising in publications that were geared to the "big city" upper-class. I never had anyone in the city ask me, "What company is that again?" They knew who we were.
When I got to the small town, no one had heard of our big, impressive company. In fact, I was having to spend my time just trying to convince people that we were even a reputable company--though at the time we were the second largest insurer in the world!
That's branding. Putting your name out there and letting people see it. Every time someone reads an article with your name on it, your stock goes up a little in their mind. Every time someone sees your newsletter, you make a positive impression.
Over time some of these people will become customers.
Another reason that writing produces quality traffic is that writing for OTHER PEOPLE'S publications gives you an instant "referral" for your product, service or site.
When your article is picked up and run in someone else's eZine, you get their implied endorsement. Even if the editor doesn't tell the readers that they "specifically" endorse your product, you gain tons of respect in the readers' minds. The more targeted the eZine, the more respected the editor, the more weight being in that publication carries.
Working From Home
Many of the people I work with, work from home.
Balancing work within the home environment can often be difficult. If you’re a Mum working at home, you may be juggling children, family commitments, running a household and working on your business.
If you’re a Dad working from home, you have the added distractions of wanting to spend time with your family while keeping the focus on your business and maybe you also take on some of the household, child-care duties too.
It’s good to create a structure in which to work which creates a balance between ensuring that work gets done and enjoying the flexibility of working from home without getting overwhelmed.
Create an “office”. If you don’t have one already – clear a space that you can truly call your office. Maybe you currently work from the kitchen table or a corner of your living room. Is there a space you can clear which can be your office? If you run your entire business from home, it’s more than likely that you’ll have a specific room that is your office.
- Does it look like your office?
- Does it reflect your business?
- Do you have everything you need to hand?
What could you do to improve the environment in which you work? Keep papers in files and folders that you can put away at the end of the day. Have clear space around you as you work.
Keep to your office hours. You can be flexible with your working day but don’t be tempted to blur the lines between your work life and your home life too much. By all means take breaks during the day to have some ‘home’ life, or time to get chores done. But place a time limit around these. Set a fixed start time and finish time to your working day.
Think about why you have chosen to work from home instead of working in an office. If you want to have a day or half day a week when you don’t work, then do that. Book it out in your diary at the beginning of the week or month. You should be enjoying your time not struggling to juggle home life with work life. And that applies even if you do work in an office.
Set boundaries around your time. Have an answer machine you switch on outside of office hours. Just because the phone rings - you don’t have to answer it immediately. Just because an email arrives in your inbox - you don’t have to reply to it immediately. At least not straight away.
Schedule time each day to attend to these tasks and you’ll be using your time more effectively. Don’t allow yourself to get into the habit of working all hours - late into the evening or on weekends just because your office is at home, only a few feet away and you can just ‘pop in’ to check emails.
Set boundaries with other people in your life. If you’re in your office – you are working. If you get distracted, take a complete break and then get back into work mode. Be mindful of other people around you – if you’re at home, they may expect you to be more involved. Explain when you can and when you need space, time or some peace and quiet. Set the boundaries in the beginning and it will make it easier for everyone.
Working from home can bring a certain amount of guilt – you either feel guilty because you should be working when you are spending time with your family or you feel guilty when your working that you should be with your family.
Working for yourself is hard enough – don’t be your own worst enemy and feel that you have to work all hours. You don’t. Give yourself a break and keep some perspective on your work life balance. If you want to work four days a week, so you get to spend more time with your family, then do that! What’s stopping you? Probably yourself.
Start a Cookie Delivery Business
A stay at home mom who loves to make and bake homemade cookies can start this home-based business. Who in their right mind would ever turn down the scrumptious morsel of a freshly baked brownie, chocolate chip or almond cookie? Cookies are as American as apple pie and millions of moms and grandmothers bake the absolute best cookies straight out of their homes.
The marketing niche of this business is that you bake cookies and then deliver them hot to a customer. The business model is very much the same as that of the pizza delivery business. In the pizza business, they bake pizzas to order and then deliver them to their clients straight from the oven. This is exactly what you do in the hot cookie delivery business.
This is how the business works. You have ready-made dough, which you have either pre-made or purchased from the store. I would suggest that you find a great recipe from your grandmother or from someone you know and bake it yourself. Customers call in their order with at least an hours notice and give you their order. (You should stipulate a minimum order and a maximum driving distance; otherwise, you will be baking five cookies and delivering it to a home 20 miles out of town) Once they give you their order, you bake the cookies, and then place them in a container that will hold its heat so that your cookies do not arrive cold.
You can market your hot cookie delivery business to local businesses around your neighborhood. If possible, you want your market to be very close to where you will be baking the cookies. It will be even better if you live in a city where there are hundreds of businesses located in a very small area.
To get the word out you can make and bake a sampling of your cookies to hand as a taste test. Good business targets are real estate agents, accountants and any office workers who can take five minutes to taste your cookies. Before you leave make sure they get an ordering guide and even some coupons for first time orders.
I hope that this article has inspired you to try this business idea. The beauty of this business startup is that you can start it with very little initial capital. You will need a quality oven, a phone that can stay open for order taking and possibly even a fax machine. Once you outgrow your startup location, you will need to find a small kitchen with a commercial oven. At that point, you can begin to approach the Small Business Development Corporation for assistance with planning for your business growth. For now let us focus on the first step of getting started, established and financial healthy, I wish you all the best in starting your new business.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thinking about Starting a Home Business?
This article is specifically written for stay at home moms who are looking to supplement their income by starting a home-based business. Many times, moms stay home in order to raise their children and in many cases these same moms have college degrees and even a few years of work experience. This situation is ripe for a mom to start a work at home business.
The question always comes up, great, start an internet business, wonderful. But just what am I going to sell? Good question, before we answer this question let us get out a piece of paper and a pen and draw a line from the top of the page starting in the middle and draw a line to the bottom of the page. What are we doing? We are dividing the page in two sections. In the left section, write service businesses and in the right section, write product businesses. Now we are going to brainstorm. Starting in the left section under service businesses we are going to write down all the skills we possess that we think can be turned into a service business. Here are some ideas;
I am good at writing
I am very creative
I am great at being organized
I am an awesome cook
Now in the right section we will do the same exercise, here are some ideas;
I can make quilts
I can paint children pictures
I know a lot about furniture polish
I have experience selling beauty products
Now that you have just a few ideas, you are in a great position to begin researching whether you will sell a service or a product. Starting at the top, if you are a great writer, you could write business letters for small business owners across the country who are not in a position to hire someone just to type out their important business correspondence.
How about if you are very organized could you consult other mothers on how to be more organized? Sure you can, let us now see about the other side of the page. So you know a lot about beauty products. You could start a work at home business by selling another companies products by just presenting them on a website and writing some advertising print and providing potential customers with your email or phone number to call and ask you questions. You can do the same with furniture polish, children toys or what would be a great wedding gift for a newly engaged couple.
The bottom line is that millions of people need help with just about everything under the sun, and you may either have the right skill or the right product knowledge to assist them. You just have to translate that into a business.
I hope that this article has been helpful in a little way and that it will inspire you to start your own business.
Home Business Success in Five Steps
Many people have found that running a home business is a great way to supplement their income. With the explosion of the internet, it's never been easier than now to actually do it. Let's consider what it takes to really be successful working from home.
1. You have to enjoy working by yourself and be motivated to do so. It's true. Working from home means no office parties. No gathering around the water cooler. Sure, you'll still have to deal with customers and vendors. You'll talk to people on the phone. Write emails. You'll even have to deal with family interruptions. Yet most of the time you'll be working by yourself. The question to ask is, is this you? Are you the type of self motivator that can handle working alone? Can you work on your home business each day without someone kicking you in the butt to get you going? Most home businesses fail because the home business person forgot to show up at work.
2. I rarely see this next point mentioned in anything regarding a home business. It's best summed up by the incredibly rich Bill Gates. When asked what he attributed his success to, his reply was something along the lines of "having a working knowledge of the tax code." Huh? If the richest man around needs to know a little about taxes than so do you and I. The second step to success from home becomes the willingness to learn about taxes. That means good record keeping from day one! Enough said.
3. Here it is. The moment you've been dreading. To make it from home you have to be able to sell. Aargh! Choke! I know what you're thinking. You hate selling. You don't know how to sell. You think being a salesman is the lowest form of life. Well, guess what? You're involved in selling all the time. That's right, all the time. Whenever you ask someone to do something, you're selling. When you voice your opinion, you're selling. When you try to get your kids or your neighbors to see things your way, you're selling. No big deal. Life is sales. All you are going to do is make it a point to get a little better at it.
4. If you haven't guessed it from the above two points, working from home means constant education. If you want to be successful you need to be willing to improve yourself and your business skills. Believe me, some people just don't want to. Others are to arrogant to think they need improvement. Don't let this be you. There are plenty of books, home study courses, online courses, and personal coaches available to tailor your education to your needs and schedule. Just make it fun for yourself and let your skills separate you from the rest of the pack.
5. The final step is basic and simple. Before you start your business, be sure there's a market that's willing to pay for whatever it is you're doing or selling. Whether your idea or product is new or old, do the research first. Life is too short to waste your time and money on something nobody wants.
Typing Jobs at Home
You have seen the ads, “Typing jobs at home! Make money FAST! No experience necessary. No selling.” These ads are tempting, because they appeal to someone who wants to work from home. While there are a lot of legitimate work from home jobs that involve typing, many of these advertisements are misleading schemes. So where can you find legitimate typing jobs?
First, it is important to note why many of these advertisements for typing jobs at home are scams. Basically they tend to be “ad typist” jobs where you type in ads on a variety of job sites waiting for people to sign up for the program. The companies you “work” for function as an affiliate program in which you get paid if people sign up for the program.
Often people who do pay the fee to work for the company end up posting ads everywhere only to see little results. They are given no marketing training, and they are often denied for a refund. These companies usually post “testimonials” of people who have made much more money that you will ever see. Actually, you will probably end up losing money in the massive amount of hours you spend trying to post ads all over the internet.
Another scam is the promise of finding you a job with a legitimate company. Yet when you pay your fee for typing jobs at home, you will only receive a list of companies that “may” be hiring home typists. You end up spending time calling and following up with companies that probably do not need your services. Again, you lose out on money and time.
However, for all the scams out there, you can still find legitimate typing jobs at home. Most of the legitimate jobs are not ad typing, but more administrative or data entry jobs. There are job sites that specialize in postings for these legitimate jobs, and you will need to have some experience to qualify for the jobs. Job boards like, E-lance, and all have legitimate jobs that the websites have investigated to make sure they are legitimate. They also have customer service procedures if you find a scam on their sites.
So how do you tell the difference between a legitimate company and a scam? First, you should not have to pay high fees to find typing jobs at home (the exception is E-lance, which requires a small fee to find jobs). Some of these scams require upwards of $60 for “typing jobs at home.”
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Work At Home: Entrepreneur Magazines, Part One
Personally, I think there are a number of very good magazines for people who work at home or are thinking about it. They can provide a great resource for someone thinking about starting a small business. I came across a relatively new one earlier last week that I thought may be of some interest to any and all entrepreneurs.
Millionaire Blueprints is the name of the magazine I came across just recently and the sucker I am, decided to browse through it because I liked the way the front cover looked. Many times magazines such as these are a waste of my time. However, I must say it is a nicely done magazine and I was very impressed.
Basically, MB interviews successful entrepreneurs who are now millionaires and publishes article about them. I highly enjoyed reading these articles. Reading about millionaires' strategies for success as well as their obstacles definitely is inspiring. For me, I am usually skeptic when I see articles about people earning millions of dollars. But, there is instant credibility with the articles because many of the people are well known.
For example, Chicken Soup For The Soul author, Mark Victor Hansen, has a great article in the magazine. The magazine details how he started speaking in public and his difficulties he encountered. He continues to talk about how he improved, stayed the course and now earns thousands of dollars speaking in public today.
Hansen was much like you or myself when he began his effort to make money. It is nice and refreshing to see a magazine which takes time to focus on the people more so than what types of business opportunities are out there. At the end of these articles, great website resources are given to you regarding the article. Because Jack Hansen's article dealt with mostly public speaking, the magazine offers several nice public speaking websites.
Three Easy Ways to Start a Home Business Online
You've been itching to start a home business but you're a little nervous, maybe even scared. You want to do something that's no too risky, has a low start up cost, and is easy to begin. Well take heart. This type of business actually exists online and we're going to look at three of them. I'm even going to add another caveat to our requirements. Each of these businesses are easy to get out of if they don't work for you.
The fastest way to earn extra money online is to sell on Ebay. You can start right now, today, and in a few days be paid for selling your stuff. You don't even have to buy some guru's program to get started. You can just register on Ebay, read their tutorials, and start selling things you have laying around the house. How easy is that?
If you decide you like the Ebay experience, it would be worthwhile to invest in some kind of Ebay course. This way you can fine tune your efforts and learn how the most successful people make their money. Just head to Google and look up a few.
The next easy way to begin a home business is to become an affiliate marketer. Being an affiliate means you sign on with a company to sell their product or service. You're given a special code or link that identifies you. All you have to do after that is send people to the link. If someone buys the product, you make a commission. You spend all your time promoting the product and driving customers to the product site. You can do this by writing articles, having your own website, talking to people, handing out fliers, using a blog, and an endless number of other ways. You don't have to produce any product yourself. Often times, the product's company will give you articles, ads, and other sales aids to use.
The beauty of this is the low cost for you to start things up. Plus, you can add other products to your line, drop ones that don't sell, even move into a whole new market whenever you feel like it. If you sign on to a place like Clickbank, you'll have access to numerous products in many different fields. Pick one you like and off you go. You could also just go to Google and type in affiliate program and check what comes up.
If you really want to be good at affiliate marketing it'll be worth to invest in an internet marketing program or an affiliate marketing program so you can learn the in's and out's of selling online, driving traffic to your links, and separating yourself from the pack.
The third simplest home business is to start a blog and sign up for Google Adsense. Go to, sign up for a free account, and start a blog on something that interests you. Wordpress is another great site. After you make several posts you can sign up for Google Adsense. Adsense are small contextual ads that are put on your blog. The ads are relevant to the content of your blog. When someone clicks on them, you receive a small commission. Usually just pennies for each click. Your job is to continually add content to your blog and work on driving traffic to it so people see the ads and click on them.
Blogging and Adsense are a great way to get your feet wet on the internet. You can do it without spending any money. It's a great way to experiment with writing and learning how to find traffic. If things don't work out you can delete your blog and try a different one.
The reality is you'll make only pennies doing this until you really learn how to pick a good topic, write great content, and get people to read it. If you find you like the blogging route, there are many courses available to help you learn how to maximize your effort.
Ten Ways to Maximize Space When Creating a Home Office
When starting a home-based business, some people have the luxury of an unused room which they can convert into an office. This provides a private area away from the distractions of home and family, and keeps your computer and other office equipment out of your living space. However, if you don’t have a spare room, and you lack the financial resources for renovations, don’t despair. Read on to learn how you can create an efficient workspace in any home.
1. You don’t have to give up your guest room to have an office where you can see clients, if you replace the bed with a pull-out couch or day bed.
2. If your house has a landing, there may be enough space to set up a work area there, allowing you to keep it out of your living area.
3. For the living room, bedroom, or family room, attractive furniture is now available to suit every décor which allows you to put your entire desktop computer behind doors and out of sight when working hours are over for the day.
4. You may convert your dining room to an office by placing the table next to a wall and using it as a desk. The table can still seat up to three people when cleared, and can be moved out from the wall for a larger group.
5. Even if there is no space available to designate as your office, a laptop computer will allow you to work in any room. Keep your small office supplies in a briefcase or other portable unit that you can easily carry from room to room.
6. A filing cabinet or other storage unit on casters can be kept under the table or close at hand while you are working, and wheeled out of the way when you are finished.
7. A bookcase or shelves will provide plenty of storage, and baskets or other attractive containers can hold small office supplies and prevent your workspace from taking over your living area. A closed cabinet for larger office supplies is also a must.
8. When space is limited, a multifunction machine that serves as a printer, fax machine, scanner and copier, can be a great benefit.
9. A free-standing privacy screen can be used to reduce distractions and interruptions from other family members, particularly if you will be seeing clients in your “office.”
10. For additional home office ideas along with inspiring color photographs, read “Activity Spaces: Inspiration & Information for the Do-It-Yourselfer” by Laura F. Gross.
When creating your home office, you will need to consider not only the space available but the nature of the work you will be doing. Not everyone needs a large tabletop where they can spread out papers, but if you do, that may determine where you can set up shop. You will likely require access to electrical outlets and telephone jacks, and proper lighting is essential for any type of work. If you will be spending considerable time on a computer, it is imperative that your set-up be ergonomically correct to avoid repetitive stress injury or other computer-related ailments.
This may be one of many challenges you will face as an entrepreneur, but with the above tips and a little creativity, you too can have a home office!
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