Friday, October 06, 2006

How to Start a Business from Home: Writing for Traffic

Each week my articles are read by TENS of THOUSANDS of people. I would like to tell you that it is because I am such a wonderful writer. I would like to tell you that it is because my reputation as an Internet Guru compels people to listen to everything I say (kinda like those old E.F. Hutton commercials here in the US). I would like to say that it is because the things that I say are so profound that no one else provides the information that I do.

The reality is much less ego-boosting.

The reason that so many people read the things that I am writing is this: I make sure that I get the articles that I write in front of as many people as possible. I'm not neccessarily more talented, more pithy, more knowledgeable than anyone else, I just might be a little more persistent.

Each week more than 20,000 people visit my main site. While it is tough to know exactly how many of those people come from an article they caught on a web site or in an eZine, the number is around 15% or 3000+ people per week.

That's more visits than most websites get in 3 months--in fact, it is more visits than most sites get in a year. If you want to see your traffic steadily increase over time, begin writing.

There are several reasons why writing produces quality traffic to ANY site.

First, when you write, you become the expert. Assuming that you can do a decent job of presenting yourself and your material, most people will never ask for your specific credentials.

When people see you as the expert, they will take your advice.

Remember this: people buy from people they know and trust. Whenever someone reads one of your articles--even if it is posted on your own website or in your own eZine, you become more trustworthy and they become more likely to visit your site and buy.

A second reason why writing produces quality traffic is that writing "brands" your name.

In an upcoming issue I will be looking at the idea of "Branding". But here is a brief definition: Branding is raising the recognition factor of a name or product.

Years ago I worked for a large insurance company, out of an office in Memphis, TN. Most of my clients were fairly well- to-do and were familiar with the company--one of the largest and most well respected insurers in the world.

I was eventually moved from the "big city" into a rural area of Mississippi.

That's when I ran into trouble.

The large, well-respected insurance company I worked for did all of its advertising in publications that were geared to the "big city" upper-class. I never had anyone in the city ask me, "What company is that again?" They knew who we were.

When I got to the small town, no one had heard of our big, impressive company. In fact, I was having to spend my time just trying to convince people that we were even a reputable company--though at the time we were the second largest insurer in the world!

That's branding. Putting your name out there and letting people see it. Every time someone reads an article with your name on it, your stock goes up a little in their mind. Every time someone sees your newsletter, you make a positive impression.

Over time some of these people will become customers.

Another reason that writing produces quality traffic is that writing for OTHER PEOPLE'S publications gives you an instant "referral" for your product, service or site.

When your article is picked up and run in someone else's eZine, you get their implied endorsement. Even if the editor doesn't tell the readers that they "specifically" endorse your product, you gain tons of respect in the readers' minds. The more targeted the eZine, the more respected the editor, the more weight being in that publication carries.

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