Saturday, November 25, 2006

Increasing Your Contacts For Home Based Business

Do you ever remember how you found a plumber or an electrician? Most of us would have found them only through friends or neighbors. Most of the plumber and the technicians get their business only through word of mouth. This is the best method to increase your contact when you start any business. Inform your friends about your business. It would be better if you can arrange a simple party to announce that you are doing a particular business. After the end of this party you might realize that you have multiplied your contact levels. Make sure that you inform all your friends about your business. Through them you will be getting business contacts and orders for your business. This is one of the best ways to increase your business contacts.

Statistics reveal that on an average a person knows around three hundred people. These people are those who can influence your home based business mostly. You can list down these people and add them to your address book. It is better to have an address book in your computer. Organizing your contacts in an address book will help you to multiply your contacts drastically. This would enable you to send emails, offers and other things very easily. If you alone can influence a hundred people then imagine if those hundred can influence another hundred each. It would amount to 10000 people instantly. Is it not enough for kick starting your home based business?

If you are sure on the type of business then it is easy to locate people who might be interested in your business and your products. In this electronic age, the use of computer can shorten the duration needed to contact people related to your business. There are many online directories available that can be of help to you. All you have to do is to simply register with these directories. Any person who is searching for a product related to your business might come across your listing and you are likely to get business from them.

Online chatting is used to pass time for most of the people. Dig the address book in your messenger. You might get some potential contacts through it. This is one sure way to spread a word about your business. Apart from this you can advertise in the local newspapers and magazines about your business. People in your locality are those who might need your service for certain types of businesses. Advertising in local papers might be very helpful in such situations.

You can organize shows or sponsor a show that is popular in your locality. This might turn the people attention towards your service. Some free gifts can be given so that they you can make them participate in the show organized by you. This is another way of spreading the word about your business. For example if you are starting a home based business on photography, you could take free classes on the basics of photography so that people are involved in it. This is a good way of networking and increasing your potential customers.

Mothers Can Work From Home As A Travel Agent!

People who want to work from home can look forward to becoming a travel agent and work from home. By becoming a travel agent, you can get commission on booking made by you. If you are person with good contacts and if some of your contacts are frequent travelers then you might book tickets and hotel reservations for those people and earn a commission out of it. You can directly become a travel agent for the airlines, cruises, and hotels or work with an agency as a sub agent and earn commission for bookings. Working with an agency is the easiest way to start your home business as travel agent. By working with an agency you can avoid the heavy membership fees that are needed to be paid to the airlines and hotels. In fact as an agent you can book tickets cheaper for your customers so that your customers come back to you often for booking. If you can pass on some of your commission to your customers they are sure to get cheaper tickets and bookings.

As an agent you contacts may be limited to your area alone. If you can have tie ups with other agents who are working outside your locality, it will widen your scope of service. Networking with other agents is also necessary. When you work with an agency you can get a lot of contacts of other agents as well. This helps you to broaden your scope of business. By working with other agents you become a part of the team although you are working from home. This gives you a cheerful environment for your business.

With more and more people traveling now-a-days it is easy to get bookings if you have a good network. You can start booking for your friends and relatives and then widen your horizon. Your services are needed for anyone who is traveling on a business trip or for a vacation with their family. You can get commissions for booking hotels, cars, cruises, tour packages, air tickets (local and international), and train tickets. Apart from these you can also work on insurance and booking for attractions. The commission varies with the type of booking that you do and is also depends on the agency for which you are working.

To gain more experience in travel agent business you can also undergo a short term course in that line. There are many institutions that conduct courses for agents and particularly for home based agents. There are many websites dedicated for home based travel agents. You can approach these institutions for more information on the type of courses offered and the fees for those courses. A simple search on the internet will give you a lot of such institutions that are near your locality. Becoming a member of some of the travel network gives you an edge as a travel agent. You can visit sites like, and for more information on these.

Before you go any training in this line, it is better to have a feel of how this industry works. So it is better to start right away without expecting any returns out it and see how it works. Once you come to know the positives of this travel agent business you can go for any training if necessary and if you decide to pursue this full time being a travel agent at home.

Earn Money Online

The world where we live in has paved the way for the rise in online marketing. The usual visits to the grocery and department stores for shopping have been eliminated for quite some time due to the influx of online bazaars. The Web houses varied companies that specialize in businesses ranging from beauty products to home tools to auto parts.

Money makes the world go round, as they say. Who does not need money anyway? You cannot survive without money, that’s for sure. There are, however, a lot of ways to penetrate the online industry and earn money from it. They honestly do not require tons of laborious work from you, but the underlying philosophy is about creating more outputs to be able to earn more money.

Ways to Earn Money Online

Interested in marketing your company’s products via the web? Then you can start creating your website. Selling your craft to those who are interested is one sure way of earning money online. You can also choose to purchase for sale websites, revamp them, and even double the price of the products on sale. With this, you get a handsome profit. If you think the website you bought from another Web site isn’t working out fine, then you can simply resell it and gain your desired profit.

You can tie up with some online business firms and work on the ads for them. Doing so not only enables you to reap huge profits but also enhances your writing and communication skills.

Hire out your talent through freelance jobs. Do you have proficiency in writing? Then create articles, contents, and blogs for certain products and specific websites. Do you have the skills for web designing? Then go for it! Payments are typically rendered after every submission.

The Advantage of Earning Money Online

You can enhance your skills and hone your craft by earning money online. The Web has a lot of opportunities in store for you. You simply have to browse related Web sites for a list of online jobs. What’s more, online jobs allow you to work from the comfort of your own home and at your own convenience.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Business Mindset

It takes a particular mindset to run a successful business. Many people will get started with a new business and then find they don’t know what to do. They want all the good things that they can have by being a successful business operator, but they still think like the person that doesn’t have those things. The problem is that it’s not entirely about what you’re supposed to do. It’s also very important to understand who you want to be. When you start a home business you must be willing to accept the fact that some of thing thoughts you have about money, wealth and making it may be working against you. If you want better things, it’s important to examine how you think about wealth and make changes that benefit you. As you develop your thoughts and become the successful business owner, the things you need to do as a successful business owner become more obvious and easier to do. As you do the things successful business owners do, you will then have all those things you want.

Here’s the good news about having a business mindset. In spite of what you may think. Regardless of what you’ve heard from friends, family and ignorant media personalities, no one is born with this mindset. You are as able to learn this mindset as anyone else.

Good fruit comes from good roots.

Here’s the challenge. You must want to learn this mindset. Look at it this way. Do you ever wonder why most people aren’t rich? The fact is that everyone on Earth can be. Not only that, everyone on Earth should be. The number one thing preventing you from having everything you want, right now, is you. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can begin to change. Author Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” That means you. If you have been thinking that you can’t have the things you want. If you’ve been thinking that you don’t have what it takes to have what you want, just forget it. Shake your head like a wet dog and banish those thoughts to the dark abyss where they belong.

You are better than that.

Perhaps you need to change a bit of your thinking. You may need to find a mentor to help you get your footing and learn how to successfully do the same things that the other rich people do. That’s fine. Just never forget that as of right now you’re one of those people. So now systematically do the things they do and you will have the things they have.

It really is that simple.

I help people learn these concepts every day. As with most new habits, it can take time. As a mentor and success coach, I help them replace those old thoughts and habits, which prevent all from the success they deserve, with thoughts and habits which strengthen and empower the lives of all who possess them.

Getting Into The Right Mindset

Prior to starting on this journey which is building a successful home based business, it is very important that we clear our minds to enable us to focus solely upon our main objective. In order to do that, we must first write down our goal. Each of has different goals. Your may be to make $100,000 per month. Or it may be to make enough to make a car payment. Whatever it is, stop reading this blog right now, and take a moment to write it down. Now that you’ve done that, take that piece of paper, and put it somewhere so you will see it every single day, various times throughout the day. This is your goal, and your first step is to believe that you can achieve it, because anything is possible – no matter what financial situation you are in right now.

Now that we’ve done that, we must decide that we are going to commit ourselves to reaching that goal. To make this commitment, we must realize from the very beginning that a great deal of time and effort must be spent in order to build a business. There is no magic button to push to make your dreams come true. You must make an effort no matter how great the opportunity you are involved with sounds. This means making yourself a schedule that you stick to, and spending less time doing things like watching TV so you can reach your goals. There will be plenty of time for television after you are retired!

It is also important to realize that some money needs to be spent in order to make the money you desire to make. You are not going to get rich by using safe lists and traffic exchanges alone. Advertising properly will yield the greatest amount of results. It is imperative to make yourself a budget, and use that money on things such as search engines and e-zine solo ads. Remember – this is not money being wasted, it is an investment in your future! Most businesses take tens of thousands of dollars to start. You can get off to a great start with an internet business on a couple hundred. So, don’t buy the extra snack, the magazine you probably won’t read, or the brand new shirt that you just “have to have”. Spend that money on what’s most important – YOUR FUTURE!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

How To Start a Drop Shipping Business

What is Drop Shipping?

Drop shipping is where you sell products to a customer that you don’t physically have in your inventory. The customer pays you and then you turn around and purchase the product from a wholesaler at a reduced profit. The wholesaler then ships the item to your customer, usually using your return address. You make a profit on the difference between what the customer pays you and what you pay the wholesaler. This can be a very profitable and lucrative business, if you know what to do…

Step 1: Before You Do Anything Else

The first step in starting any new business is to sit down and write out a business plan. It doesn’t have to be some long drawn out analysis of every aspect of your new business, but it needs to be at least a list of bullet points to give an idea of what it is and where it’s going. You need to include what products or services you are going to provide to your customers. You also need to talk about who your potential customers are and why they would want to purchase from you. You also might want to think about how you are going to market to your potential customers to draw them to your website. Most important of all you need to figure out where you are getting the financial resources for the start-up of your business. This is not as big a deal in a drop shipping business as it would be in a business that holds inventory and ships out its own merchandise. If you take the time to write out a solid business plan than you will have a better chance of success with your new business than someone who is going into this blind.

Step 2: Where Are You Selling?

The next step in starting a drop shipping business is deciding where you are going to sell your products. The two main options is by forming your own website or by selling them on an auction site such as Ebay. Either option is a great way to make money. If you are better at writing great product descriptions that get buyers excited about the product and don’t want to spend money on a webpage than Ebay might be the best thing for you. After you have gained a little income you might want to go ahead and start your own website. However, just by having a website does not mean you will get customers. You will have to look into marketing your site through search engines to really get that traffic flowing to your store. Both of these options are great, it just depends on what you think is best for you.

Step 3: Choosing a Drop Shipper

One of the hardest things about starting a drop shipping business is finding a reputable drop shipper. The internet is filled with scam artists who are pretending to be drop shippers when they really aren’t. Places like Doba and Mega Goods say they are drop shippers but in reality they are middle men who have a list of actual drop shippers that they use. They charge you more than what the actual distributors charge them to drop ship. In order for you to get the lowest price on merchandise, you need to bypass the middle men and go straight to the distributors. You can do this by going to websites that provide lists of reputable distributors that you can use in your business. This way you can guarantee you are getting the absolute lowest prices. The best way to do this is to join a site that gives you access to a directory of reputable drop shippers. These drop shippers can sell you merchandise at half-off or more.

Step 4: Making the Money

The final step in setting up a drop shipping business is making money. If you do what I have told you already and you put some work into your business, you will make money. There’s no way you can’t, unless you don’t try. The most important thing that you can learn when making money is to remember to pay your taxes. This isn’t free money and the government has to have their cut, just like in a regular job. So make sure you consult an accountant and have all your ducks in a row before rush off and start making those millions.

Ways to Make Money at Home

Are you thinking of ways to make money at home? It may be easier than you think.

Clean Up

A way to make money at home is to sell off your things at home. Do not misunderstand this statement. It does not mean that you sell yourself out of house and home. It means you organize all the things at home and try to leave only the bear essentials of the house. There could be several items stacked in your garage or in your attic that you no longer use but still have good value: appliances, furniture, clothes, collectibles, books, toys, and anything you can find. Whether they are working or not, you may be able to sell them.

It does not necessarily mean that if an item is in poor condition, it no longer has value. You would be surprised to realize that something you classify as junk could be a treasure to others. You may own an old and worn-out typewriter, believing it is obsolete technology that has been replaced by the computer. But for a writer, using this device may bring inspiration. A collector may pass by and see the typewriter as a classic and the perfect addition to his collection. Or an antique appraiser may see it as an antique with great value.


As a kid you may have experienced selling lemonade right in front of your house. This concept may still work but on a different scale. If you love working in the kitchen, you may translate this passion into something that generates income. It could be as simple as baking cookies to providing home-cooked meals for your neighbors. But cooking need not be limited to a hobby. You can use your culinary prowess and help add to your daily income.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Make Money

Are you looking to make more money without leaving home? Are you looking to work at your own pace and time?

There are many options open to you if you choose to work from home. You can start your own home-based business selling domestic products and services or you can make money writing content for websites, translating or entering data.

Websites like,, and among others, offer legitimate home-based businesses. If you find a job that interests you, you can also check out its credibility by going to the Better Business Bureau Internet site.

There are many “get rich quick” schemes that should be avoided at all costs, because they are basically scams, and you’ll most likely lose money, rather than earn. Home-based businesses are otherwise beneficial allowing you to work from virtually anywhere in the world. There are jobs that are conventional, unconventional and those offered by small business houses as well as big corporate houses.

You can also start your own home-based business by building a website and selling wares produced in your home. For instance, you can sell homemade cookies, soft toys, e-books or electronic greeting cards. This not only gives you the opportunity to work on your own time, but would also gives you unlimited creative freedom.

Searching the Internet is the best option to look home-based job opportunities. Another good way is to have a friend refer you. Making money online not only saves money, but also you work in the comfort of you home with all the creative freedom you desire.

Is Working At Home For You?

Let’s Play What If?

A dream for millions of people has always been to Work at Home. Who really wants to be working at some crummy job for very little pay? No matter what our profession or nationality is we all seem to want more out of life than what we all actually have now. The answer to so many of our problems seems to be to work at home. Just imagine what life would be like if you did not have to wake up in the morning and spend the day doing something you did not like, answering to your superiors who seem to be always on your case. Now ask yourself "How would I feel if I was able to work at home, be my own boss and answer to me?"

I can answer that for you. You are going to feel fantastic. You will have a terrific time it you did not have to wake up each day to go to work. This is assuming that you did not like your job to begin with. If you are having a rip-roaring time each day, at your job, and love it, than you probably will not need to read the rest of this article. This article is written for those who are not sure about one thing: the decision to stay with their current job or to begin work at home. In other words, those who want to work from home.

Decisions, decisions, decisions

If you do decide to work from home, you are really trying to become self-employed or an entrepreneur. If you will, this decision is not to be taken lightly. Working from home is not for everyone. As comfortable as it may be, a Home Based Business carries a significant amount of risk with it. There is always a chance that the business will fail. However, if you make good choices right at the start and set a solid foundation for years to come, you will drastically increase your chances for success. There is no doubt about it, starting your own business is risky. But you also stand to realize massive gains, perhaps even amass a fortune!

If you decide to work from home, there are a number of advantages that will accrue. For openers, not having to go to the office daily is enticement enough. After all, have you not wanted to sleep for a few more minutes, but could not because you would be late for work? Everyone has experienced this. You begin to take charge of your life when you work at home. You will take control of your time and you will decide how to spend it. Of course, this can be a two-edged sword - if you are not the well organized self-controlled type. You might end up unsure on your tasks, or perhaps not even doing them at all.

These will most certainly cause your work at home business to fail. So you need to ask yourself, "Are you disciplined enough?" before you decide to try and work at home. Being at home will present you with countless occasions to wriggle out of your work. You will be better off earning a regular wage if you can not trust yourself to do the right thing. If you are the type of person who has the desire, the will or motivation to go after your dreams, then you are the type of person who will have nothing to lose by working at home. You will have everything to gain.

Home Based Businesses

A home based business is one in which you are your own boss, and you never have to leave your home to do it. Often it involves work with the Internet or postal mail. For years, you have dreamed about setting up and having your own business. You have dreamed about being your own boss. You dreamed about working at your own leisure time. You have dreamed about sharing your own business with your family, your children and your friends. You just cannot help but feel excited about starting you very own home based business.

If you are preparing for your own business, the first move would be to start thinking about what kind of business you want to start. You should be able to define the basic plans you have, and decide just what kind of business you are willing to take a risk on.

Help is available for people wanting to put their own home based business in place. The information super highway holds many, different kinds of ideas, checklists and tips on how to start up your own business. Some companies and small businesses also sponsor and hold conventions and seminars, and there are forums you can visit to discuss options with other home business owners.

If you are having second thoughts, as how your home-based business will fare, it is best if you try and take the risk. If you have done your homework and prepared for your business, the only way to know its potential is to take the leap and see for yourself.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Is Your Home Business Driving You Insane?

If you answered yes, then you're a normal person at least. Maybe you just got started, and you're feeling frustrated that you haven't made a single sale yet, even after all the work you've put in to it. Or things are just going slow for your existing business, a drop in sales, traffic, or something among those lines. Perhaps things are over all going fine, but the work it takes to maintain a successful business is really taking its toll on your sanity.

Your business for whatever reason is giving you too much stress and you need a way to relieve it, or you'll suffer the horrid consequences of trying to work while overstressed. Well the answer is quite simple, and it may shock you. Take a break! That's right, call me crazy, or stupid, or any sort of derogatory term, but that would dramatically reduce all the stress your business is giving you. I don't care if you haven't made a single penny with your business and you're freaking out; if you can't think without a clear, cool head then you sure as heck can't think well enough to make your home business prosper.

Now right about now you're probably thinking "I'd love to take a break, but my business REALLY needs me!" Well I got yet another cliché for you: "Work smarter, not harder". You may be working hard and diligently, but if you are not getting the results you expect then you are not working smart enough. No excuses. The smart thing to do would be to relax for a little to get your head back together to rethink the situation, or at the very least lighten the workload you're putting on yourself.

Think about it, you're in the home business field so you could fire your boss, work your own hours, do as you please, and any more of those slogans overused in home business opportunity advertisements. Now look at yourself, you're giving your all into your business and you're not getting the profits you dreamed of. Something is not being done right, maybe not enough advertising, maybe you're advertising in the wrong places, or any other of the countless variables that goes into your business. Knock some sense into yourself, then identify the problem and neutralize it by any means possible. Ready, set, GO!

I know you have a goal to your business. Maybe it is to make a few extra bucks, or maybe you want to make a full time income from home. Maybe you really want to be filthy rich. Whatever your goal is, keep this in mind: if your eyes are only focused on your goal, you don't have any eyes left to focus on the path to your goal. I think that saying speaks for itself. If you do not focus on your path, in this case how your business will successfully make money, then you'll have a very hard time achieving your goal. Keep your goal in mind, but focus on surviving the path to your goal first.

Hopefully this will help you keep a calmer state of mind whenever you work your business. When things get out of hand, stop, assess the situation, and think of a logical way to fix the problem. Or just take a break or vacation whenever you feel like it. Go play outside, watch TV, or catch up on some good old rest and relaxation. Remember, in the world of home business, you are in control.

Are You Ready To Be A Financial Success?

Everyone wants to change their life financially at some point, to be in a position where they can achieve financial freedom. The truth is everyone has the power to change their life financially. The tools to be successful can be taught, and it’s all about believing in yourself, following through with your promises and finding the right tools to be financially successful.

There are four main ingredients for success:

1. Ask the question – are you ready to change your life?
2. It’s all about attitude.
3. Associate with like minded people.
4. Are you ready to work hard for your success?

Are you really ready to change your life? The first step is generally the hardest. The thing about change is that if nothing changes, nothing will change. You will be in the same position you are in now in 10 years if you are not willing to change.

Wishing your life would suddenly become financially better does not automatically make it happen. The first step is making that decision that you really do want to change your circumstances.

People often sit at home thinking, its easy for them, they have the skills or the right attitude to succeed. Our attitude is the only thing that we have 100% control over in our lives. So the question becomes are you willing to change your attitude in order to change your life.

You need to associate with people who are motivated and can help to keep you on track. To teach you the skills that you need to become successful and to remain there. Successful people have many challenges in their life, but it is how they deal with those challenges that ultimately makes them successful.

It takes hard work to get the skills to become successful. Are you ready to put in that hard work and train yourself to get that success.

If you are ready to make those changes then financial success will come, it is only a matter of time.

The author Sharon Negus helps people achieve financial & time freedom through building their own successful business working from home.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Make Money at Home

Do you want to be your own boss? Do you wish to make all your dreams come true? Where do you begin?

There are many options of how you can start working from home. You can start your own home-based business selling domestic products and services, or you can make money online by writing content for websites, translating or entering data.

You need to first assess your skills, your budget, previous work experience, and your strong and weak points before you begin your quest to find a home-based business. Avoid getting quick rich schemes promising you millions of dollars in a short time and those making phony guarantees of making you rich enough to afford a luxury car or a mansion, as they are mostly scams. Consider you’re short-term as well as your long-term goals, and how you plan to achieve them.

Websites like,, and several other popular career portals advertise legitimate work from home including content writing or freelance opportunities. You will these jobs in some of the national and local newspapers. When you receive a reply from one or more of these companies, you will probably be asked to submit a sample of your work and a resume.

If you are starting off with your own entrepreneurial business, you need to research what you are good at. For instance, you can start a bakery and list your business in directories, websites and tell friends. Invite your friends to taste some of your products, than ask them to right online reviews on your site. This will give you credibility. If they liked it, they will recommend your baked products to their friends. Thus, your own business will take off and you can make money at home.

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