Thursday, October 05, 2006
Home Business Success in Five Steps
Many people have found that running a home business is a great way to supplement their income. With the explosion of the internet, it's never been easier than now to actually do it. Let's consider what it takes to really be successful working from home.
1. You have to enjoy working by yourself and be motivated to do so. It's true. Working from home means no office parties. No gathering around the water cooler. Sure, you'll still have to deal with customers and vendors. You'll talk to people on the phone. Write emails. You'll even have to deal with family interruptions. Yet most of the time you'll be working by yourself. The question to ask is, is this you? Are you the type of self motivator that can handle working alone? Can you work on your home business each day without someone kicking you in the butt to get you going? Most home businesses fail because the home business person forgot to show up at work.
2. I rarely see this next point mentioned in anything regarding a home business. It's best summed up by the incredibly rich Bill Gates. When asked what he attributed his success to, his reply was something along the lines of "having a working knowledge of the tax code." Huh? If the richest man around needs to know a little about taxes than so do you and I. The second step to success from home becomes the willingness to learn about taxes. That means good record keeping from day one! Enough said.
3. Here it is. The moment you've been dreading. To make it from home you have to be able to sell. Aargh! Choke! I know what you're thinking. You hate selling. You don't know how to sell. You think being a salesman is the lowest form of life. Well, guess what? You're involved in selling all the time. That's right, all the time. Whenever you ask someone to do something, you're selling. When you voice your opinion, you're selling. When you try to get your kids or your neighbors to see things your way, you're selling. No big deal. Life is sales. All you are going to do is make it a point to get a little better at it.
4. If you haven't guessed it from the above two points, working from home means constant education. If you want to be successful you need to be willing to improve yourself and your business skills. Believe me, some people just don't want to. Others are to arrogant to think they need improvement. Don't let this be you. There are plenty of books, home study courses, online courses, and personal coaches available to tailor your education to your needs and schedule. Just make it fun for yourself and let your skills separate you from the rest of the pack.
5. The final step is basic and simple. Before you start your business, be sure there's a market that's willing to pay for whatever it is you're doing or selling. Whether your idea or product is new or old, do the research first. Life is too short to waste your time and money on something nobody wants.
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