Saturday, March 15, 2008

Home Based Business Deductions for Tax Season!

I've been making a living from the Internet since 1997. It's been awesome to watch how things have evolved and grown over the years. There is simply much more information available on the Internet today related to that great online business home opportunity that you're looking for. The good news is that you can get to information so much faster. The bad news is that there is much more that you have to wade through to find what you're looking for.

I probably read about a distinctly different online business home opportunity each and every day. I make it a habit not to buy anything on most days. The reason for this is that I've found a ton of junk for sale on the Internet. It seems that particularly in the online business home opportunity arena, there is just so much snake oil. That is, people pushing products at you that even they know don't work, but they try to sell to you anyway. Why do they do this? Well, there have been snake oil sale people in every capitalistic venue throughout history. It just goes with the territory. I guess they believe that if they make a large enough claim, someone will believe it.

So how do you find the real online business home opportunity that is right for you and avoid the snake oil? That takes research and time. There are several ways to go at your research. The obvious is to thoroughly digest the information available on the site where the product is being sold. I steer very clear from those sites that are obviously written as 1-page sales sites. The marketers call these "squeeze pages" because the entire design is made to squeeze you toward an action, usually parting with your money. You can spot them easily. They are usually very long. They have a section in yellow with customer testimonials, and a few pictures of random people smiling. I don't waste time on these types of sites. If I do happen to see a product that I want more information about on one of those obvious sales pages, I go right to the source. Find the people who actually make it. Evaluate for yourself if their site is professional looking. Does it have that web 2.0 finish and is free from typos? These are good signs.

The second really important research approach you need to use while evaluating a prospective online business home opportunity is forums. I am amazed at how much helpful information you can get from forums. If you are deeply involved in a forum already, simply post a question about the product you're looking at and you are sure to get responses. If you don't have such a forum, or are not comfortable posting that type of question, just search around a popular forum and you're likely to find someone else has already asked that question.

Finally, many products have forums built right into their home pages. I view this as a very positive sign. This means there is a community already built around the product. This should give you comfort about product as well as a place to get information. For example, the project I'm deeply involved in has an active forum at While the main focus is on building an affiliate online store, it's amazing to watch how the community helps each other out with tips and strategies for making money, advertising, SEO and all the other things you need to know about.

When you visit these forums, look for quality over quantity. Many forums I've been to are really filled with low-quality posts were people are just trying to get exposure for the links in their signatures. I like forums that don't allow links because you know the people there are really interested in information exchange. If you find a forum like this, go back every day and stay on top of the information. You will probably find that you've not only found comfort in the specific online business home opportunity you were evaluating but you've also located a valuable business networking and educational tool that you will frequent for years to come.

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