Saturday, December 09, 2006

Work At Home the Low Risk Way

It’s a dream for many people to own their own business. People want the freedom to earn a good living while being their own boss. They could have the flexibility to do whatever they want. This dream for many however, ends with a high price tag – including the loss of people’s personal savings and homes.

Traditional small business required leasing a building or some kind of office space to start up operations with. High startup costs were also incurred with either capital equipment requirements or product inventory.

Along with these costs came the need to hire and train qualified employees. Operational policies and procedures needed to be written and enforced.

Starting this kind of small business requires a lot of money and effort. It also assumes you have a product or service which people want to buy. If they do not, all this work is in vain.

Bottom line is that starting a traditional business is a high risk venture. According to the US Small Business Administration, over 50% of small businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail with the first five years. Talk about risk! Sure, the rewards are great, but only 5% make it this far.

Much of this risk correlates with the experience level of people starting a new business. They can see the end result, but how to get there can be difficult to achieve without having learned or experienced it. But learning does not come unless they risk – so they risk.

Today, the internet has changed the business world dramatically. An online business can simply be started with a website and the whole world becomes potential customers. An average person can do this without investing large amounts of money.

An online business is still a business and people need to treat it this way. But learning it can be done without all the risk associated with a traditional business startup. If fact, one could even do this an hour or two part time each day.

An online business could be as simple as displaying ads for other company products on your website. Visitors would click on these ads which would bring them to another company’s website who would sell the visitor on their product. If they buy, you receive a commission for sending them – no inventory, selling or order handling.

Other kinds of ads placed on your site can bring you a commission simply by having the visitor click on the ad. For example, the ad could be for a different “work at home opportunity”. The visitor would click on the ad and you would instantly earn whether or not the person buys from this seller. The seller is willing to pay for this kind of advertising because they know that based on a given number of clicks, a certain percentage of those people will buy their product or service and they can make money overall.

Building a team of other people below you may be more to your liking, otherwise known as multi-level-marketing. You earn commission from the sales of every one of these people in addition to the commission you earn from your own sales.

All this probably sounds just a little too easy? Well, you’re right. It’s not simply a matter of creating a website and people will come and spend their money. It takes time and persistence to follow the internet marketing techniques required to generate sufficient traffic to your website and earn a large income.

The point is however, that starting an online business CAN be learned by average people without investing large sums of money. It’s not completely risk free; you’ll need to invest time into it. But starting a business of any kind is not easy, so why not start one without betting the farm on it?

There is no time better than today to start a work at home business!

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