Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is Procrastination Our Worst Evil as Internet Marketers?

I have been sitting in front of my computer for 4 hours now, and have little to show for it !

Why ?

Because I have been reading emails, joint venture requests, looking at resale ebooks, surfing the net, and reading sales pages from well intended Internet Marketers.

But I have not achieved moving my own business forward.

Time is being frittered away.

Time is precious, and what do I do, continue to waste it!

Is this the same for you. You suddenly realise that all you have done is actually read a lot, but do nothing productive!

So, what can we do about it?

Well for a start, stop reading this article and go and do something that will enhance your own business !

Still here, ok, I will give you a few tips, that I too have started to use :-

1. Write out a list ( I know it is tedious, but it is also amazing how therapeutic the act of writing a list can be )

2. Put the list into Order of Importance. ( Your order of importance, even if the task is going to be difficult )

3. That’s it, now act upon it……..

Ok, the tasks you have listed are long or difficult. ( That’s what put you off in the first place!)

To overcome this problem, break the task into smaller segments.

For instance:
You want to sell an ebook

You have an idea for an ebook, just write down everything about the subject, in any order, on a blank piece of paper. Don’t stop, keep writing, you can sort it later.
Sort it out into sections
Put in a beginning paragraph now, and then an end paragraph.
Select a great heading

Ebook sorted….but what to do now?

You need to put it into a readable format like pdf

Don’t know anything about pdf, look on the Internet, but be focused and specific. Don’t wander off looking at other topics.

You need to put it onto your website.
Don’t know how?

Your website host should be able to help, if not look on the Internet for guidance. Again do not wander off the subject.

You need a Sales Page.
Write down all the benefits.
Select the best first, and then put them in order. Look at other sales pages, that you have spending all your time reading recently and get some ideas. Especially the ones that have attracted you to buy!

Need to be able accept credit card, again there are several companies that do this. You just need to stay focused on the task in hand.

Right send an email out to your list and/or put it up on your website.

That’s it. Easy isn’t it? Of course it is not easy, but by breaking it down into little sections it can become easier.

Spend an hour a day doing productive time, no phones, no emails, etc.

If you have children give the kids to your parents, better half, kindergarten, day school, looking for green sweets on the lawn (only joking ).

To recap, stop doing unproductive work.

Take action now

Make a list of tasks in order of importance Break tasks down into smaller manageable ones. Do something productive towards your ultimate goal.

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