Thursday, November 16, 2006

Home Based Affiliate Business-Choosers Can't Be Beggars

Beggars are not choosers, you rationalize, as you log into cPanel to redecorate your website with colorful banners representing ‘Suntan Sally’s magic lotion’ on the one hand, with a bearded gentleman’s yogic injunctions on the other.

Does all this sound a bit too familiar? I was simply narrating what you did last week; in fact, this trend is fast catching up with people of all ages and professions. This is probably because they’re mesmerized by all the buzz about affiliate marketing, and how much it helps in earning thousands. While the latter may be true to an extent, it does depend on how you set about earning your thousands. And the first step is to cut down on the number of affiliate programs, because not only does it help you put in more resources, but it also gives you a chance to ‘weed out the worst’ and opt for the best.

Of course, most people may reason that you must choose programs in sync with your interests, or that you should pick the ones that touch your heart and mind (whatever that means), and so forth. I promise not to torment you with such pedantic advice. All I can say is that every choice depends upon the profit principle, whether or not you appreciate it. It is, therefore, prudent to pick the ones that enhance your earning potential, instead of worrying about personal likes and dislikes; when it comes to business, one has to be objective.

In some cases, you may even choose programs that are totally unrelated to your site content, for instance, casino affiliate programs. Under such circumstances, you cannot design another website all at once, nor can you place a link on your site which, let’s say, deals with cookery, cuisine, and curry. But you can promote the program via bulk-mail marketing and safelists, or if you’re good at conversing with people and convincing them, you may strike a deal with websites which have relevant content in return for certain products or services from your end. This may not be easy, but it’s worth a try, particularly because casinos are amongst the highest-paying affiliate programs. As you can see, one can make money by being smart, and certainly not by wondering whether a program is in tune with one’s interests, and what else not.

So there you are! All you have to do is restrict your programs to a small number, ‘small’ being as subjective a view as any. Next, be honest and ask yourself what you really want. Do you want to be an affiliate marketer for fun, or is it all about money? If it’s the latter, you must try and make compromises with your moral compass, perhaps drop your cross of preferences and focus on profits. The old adage-that beggars are not choosers-may be true. But the new mantra is equally relevant. Choosers can’t be beggars. So choose your affiliate program, but choose wisely.

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