Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Why Most Home-Businesses Starve

The reason why most home-business owners starve, while only a few make the really BIG bucks, may surprise you.

To understand why this is, all you gotta do is take a look around.

And the funny thing is, most people will never figure it out.

The reason most home-business owners fail is because they’re concentrating on the wrong things.

They’re completed fixated on their product or service, rather than how to properly market that product or service.

I’ll tell you right now, you’d be a whole lot better off having a so-so product that’s backed by great marketing, than having the world’s BEST product, with lousy marketing to back it up.

But before I go on, it’s important that I blow this huge myth out of the water right now.

There is no BEST product or service.

Now don’t get me wrong here.

There are plenty of great products and services, but if you don’t have great marketing to back them up (and nobody wants em), they’re completely worthless.

Most people never get this.

My good friend (and brilliant marketer) Scott Tucker, explains it this way:

“If I say “car” you probably think of Ford or GM.

Yet you must understand, these companies are MARKETERS of cars, and they’re not really manufacturers.

In fact, most of their parts aren’t even made in-house, because they outsource the majority of this work.

And really, both companies make as much on financing as they do on the actual sale of their cars, which means that they’re really banks and marketers.

The companies they outsource to can’t market, and as a result, make very little profit because they participate in lowest-bidder pricing.

And that stinks!”

As a home-business owner, you don’t want to get wrapped up in this kind of craziness.

Instead, you’ll want to do like me and my smart followers, who realize that marketing is the key to putting the big bucks in your bank account every month.

When you have a great marketing system in place, people will beat a path to your door, clamoring to buy what you have to offer.


If your business isn’t producing the kind of income you want, maybe it’s because you haven’t yet discovered that you need to be in the business of “marketing”.

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