Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wind Power: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business
WIND POWER: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business PAUL GIPE
Gipe is world renowned for his work in developing and implementing wind-power systems. With 30 years of experience behind him, he updates this all-encompassing volume that has a do-it-yourself emphasis. He helps readers figure out whether wind power is right for them and then surveys the differ lent types of machines that can be made or purchased. The bulk of the book focuses on medium-size turbines for home use. Other practical information includes how much it costs to erect a wind turbine, where it can be sited, how much power it can produce, and what kind of safety measures it requires. This renewable energy source is described in detail and illustrated with plenty of photos and drawings. Chelsea Green, 2004, 496 p., color/b&w photos/illus, paperback $50.00.
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